Overcome all the strict requirements from the investors about sustainable green development as well as stringent technology choices about the nature and construction from the top worldwide designing company- Arcadias Vietnam Cp., Ltd. Koastal Eco Group is honored and proud to be chosen to become the contractor of the project “ the overall planning designing 1/500 of the centralized wastewater treatment plant of Rang Dong Textile Industrial Park with a capacity of 110.000 m3/day. Design, construction, technology transfer, environmental permit, and 1 year of operation (DBO) for module 1, capacity: 30.000 m3/day” by Cat Tuong Real Estate Group Joint Stock Company (under the legal entity Rang Dong Infrastructure Development Investment Joint Stock Company) as the Investor, in the early days of 2023.
1. The information on Rang Dong Textile Industrial Park, Nam Dinh
Rang Dong Textile Industrial Park (Aurora IP) has a land area of over 2.000 ha, for the first phase is 519.6 ha which is considered a model of the industrial park for a sustainable industry. This is also an industrial park invested by 17km of canalization system and covered by mangroves to attract as many as medium and large FDI corporations from different countries around the world who mainly concentrate on textile supporting industry, especially relating to textile and dyeing.
2. Koastal Eco Group is the contractor of the wastewater treatment plant of Rang Dong Textile Industrial Park
Understanding how large the scale and importance of the project are, Koastal Eco has calculated carefully the highest level of security. Therefore, we decided to apply the best technologies on wastewater treatment lines, which include 06 steps for textile wastewater treatment to reach the standard of type A, QCVN40:2011. After that wastewater will reuse for the purpose of industry, the residual sludge will mainly use in the press sludge system and modern sludge dryer to minimize using chemicals and reduce pollution because of the environmental friendliness and sustainable development as the requirements of the Investor.
Koastal Eco has completed the static test and pressed pile, and prepared for the items construction of other technologies.

Koastal Eco has been becoming the contractor of textile and dyeing wastewater treatment in 8 projects in the world. Besides the centralized wastewater treatment plant of Rang Dong Textile Industrial Park (Aurora IP), it must be mentioned the wastewater treatment plant of Minh Hưng Sikico Textile Industrial Park (a total capital of 75.000 m3/day, in phase 1 is 10.000 m3/day), The Textile Dyeing wastewater plant of the Cystal Factory (Hong Kong) at Song Thao Industrial Cluster (a capital of 10.000 m3/day) the wastewater treatment plant of Yida plant phase 2 ( belonging to …corporation) in Phu Tho province (a capital of 6.000 m3/day).
By doing mentioned contracts, Koastal Eco Group continues to prove our trust to our customers and partners, especially for large-scale industrial wastewater treatment projects (from the second level or higher) or some complex cases to treat such as textile and dyeing wastewater, and livestock wastewater. Koastal Eco commits to bringing a classified project with the best quality of construction and services, to accompany the Investor for the mission of environmental sustainability, and to contribute to the creation of a fresh environment for medium and large FDI corporations who come from many countries around the world involved in the production and do business.
You already have a wastewater treatment system, but the operation and maintenance costs are still expensive, and the employees are incapable. Or you need to construct and install a wastewater treatment system for your business. Please get in touch with KOASTAL ECO GROUP so we can help you: +84 91 7749 118
3. Why is Koastal Eco confident in being the top wastewater treatment contractor
Koastal Eco Group has more than 18 years of experience in operation providing technical services such as: designing and delivering a comprehensive solution in the field of industrial wastewater treatment namely food, slaughter, beer and water beverage, plating, rubber, petrochemical, paper, pulp, especially textile dyeing, industrial parks and in the field of urban wastewater, etc.
Koastal Eco commits to:
Take the highest responsibility for the quality of products and services. The quality of water after treatment and input is stored and analyzed according to strict procedures and regulations.
Apply advanced and suitable technology in each industry and each locality to ensure getting quality standards and construction progress.
Have a highly qualified technical team to ensure the fastest and most accurate construction.
Bring competitive prices, and high investment efficiency for investors.
Have a team of experts who give advice, reply and support all problems during the use operation period.
Have a long-term warranty and lifetime maintenance.
4. The following are some pictures of Rang Dong Textile Industrial Park done by Koastal Eco Group