Summary of sales in the first 8 months of 2023 with sales of over 400 billion

Summary of sales in the first 8 months of 2023 with sales of over 400 billion

Project news

Posted on: 05.09.23

Summary of sales in the first 8 months of 2023 with sales of over 400 billion

1. Difficulties and challenges in the first half of 2023

In the first 08 months of 2023, the Vietnam market was not able to completely recover after the pandemic but experienced a significant decline potentially increasing the risk of  economic stagnation. In that fierce situation, the reputation wastewater treatment plant in Vietnam- Koastal Eco Group, with strong  employee resources,  careful  planning of the Board of Directors, and great trust from partners, has firmly stood  and gone further in its mission of protecting the environment.

Significantly, Koastal Eco keeps stable employment and income for employees, so there are none of the employees are affected by any negative circumstances during this period of global economic fluctuations. In addition, the great effort and contribution of all member of the big family- Koastal Eco Group has also  contributed to its sustainable development.

2. Koastal Eco Group becomes the contractor for the new 7 projects

After having a trust from the Investor has laid the foundation for a range of new projects at Koastal Eco Group. After the first half of 2023, Koastal Eco became the Contractor of 07 new projects which have a large scale and are valuable for contract and sales of more than 400 billion VND. In particular, the field of design and construction of the centralized wastewater treatment plant of the  industrial park  is the strength of Koastal Eco, with 05 projects signed, which raised the number of contracts of Koastal Eco Group in terms of the centralized wastewater treatment plant of the industrial  park to 68 and affirm its leading position the field of the centralized wastewater treatment plant of industrial park in Vietnam. These new projects contribute to creating  vivid pictures for Koastal Eco Group’s success including:

  • The wastewater treatment plant of Cozy Tea  Factory, with a capacity of 1.200 m3/day
  • The wastewater treatment plant of Dalat Milk High-tech Dairy Farm, with a capacity of 1.600 m3/day
  • The centralized wastewater treatment plant of Tuy Phong Industrial Park, phase 1, with a capacity of 2.000 m3/day
  • The centralized wastewater treatment plant of Song Khoai Industrial Park, Module 4, with a capacity of 4.000 m3/day
  • The centralized wastewater treatment plant No.2 – No.5 Industrial Park, with a capacity of 4,300 m3/day
  • + The centralized wastewater treatment plant of Rang Dong Textile Industrial Park, phase 1, with a capacity of 5,000 m3/day

3. Hold a management meeting, speeding up in the last 6 months of the year

The Board of Directors has organized a meeting for managers to discuss about the advantages and disadvantages that Koastal Eco has been facing, and figure out the guidly constructions to complete larger goals in the last 6 months of 2023.

Director Board hold a meeting for “ summary of the first 6 months of 2023” with managers

Koastal Eco Group would like to express our sincere gratitude to our esteemed Investor for always giving us trust and valuable opportunities so  that we can conduct  large and important projects and transform our view  of wastewater treatment. Having accompanied and support from the Investor is such a great motivation for us to constantly make efforts and bring more valuable  and positive solutions for the environment.

If you are looking for a trusting and efficient solution for treating wastewater, please contact us for a cleaner and green future: +84 91 7749 118

4. Contact information:



The 5th, 6th, and 7th floors of Koastal Building, 92F Nguyen Huu Canh Street, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Hotline:+84 91 7749 118

Tel: +84 28 3620 7945

Fax:+84 28 3620 7942



The 9th floor of Ladeco Building, 266 Doi Can, Lieu Giai Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Tel: +84 24 3772 4788

Fax: +84 24 3772 4799