The “Koastal - For the community ” funding in the first quarter of 2023 - The journey of “Giving love- Receiving smiles ”

The “Koastal - For the community ” funding in the first quarter of 2023 - The journey of “Giving love- Receiving smiles ”

“KOASTAL- For the community” Fund

Posted on: 05.04.23

The “Koastal - For the community ” funding in the first quarter of 2023 - The journey of “Giving love- Receiving smiles ”

From the beginning of its establishment, Koastal Eco Group has identified that constable development should be the combination of 2 factors. The first one is business growth, and the other one is the responsibility for community and social development.

Besides the business activities, Koastal always be care about community activities, volunteers, and helping people with poor living condition. This is also considered one of the most important activities during the journey development of Koastal Eco Group.

Therefore, “ Koastal-For the community” funding is established because of not only the heart of the Executive Board and the whole staff of Koastal Eco but also the love from our benefactors, clients, and partners who want to share their love the society by “Koastal- For the community” funding.

In the first quarter of 2023, the Executive of “ Koastal- For the Community” visited District 12 where Koastal Eco installed an electrical power with the purpose of “ Where there is Koastal, there is love”.
On 1st April 2023, “ Koastal- For the community” funding was continued to create its journey of “ Happiness creates love- Making an effort for the others”
The executive board of the Funding, volunteers, and Koastal’s staff accompanied by the local Red Cross Association presented in Group 16-KP3C, District 12, Ho Chi Minh City hand in hand giving 58 meaningful gifts to people who have poor living conditions.

With the charitable gifts, “Koastal- For the Community” funding would like to express the sincerity and spiritual value to the community with the hope that creating motivating for the local people and helping them always believe that they will not be alone in the making-money journey, be continuing to make a strong effort for a brighter future.

The “Koastal- For the Community” funding’s Executive Board and volunteers have given many meaningful gifts, and they received many happy smiles and sincere thanks from the local people. Therefore, all their exhaustion and sweat are deserved. Doing this volunteer, created more motivation for the “Koastal- For the Community” funding to deliver more meaningful programs about The journey of “ Giving love- Receiving smiles” around the country.